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1. Date:          06-07.March.2004.
                  The CONTEST consist of 2(two) parts: LOW BAND (1,8 & 3,5 MHz)
                  and HIGH BAND (7, 14, 21 & 28 MHz).
2. Time:          LOW BAND part includes 2(two) rounds: the First round is from
                  22:00 - 23:59 UT (March,06), the Second - from 00:00 - 01:59
                  UT (March,07).
                  HIGH BAND part: 08:00 - 11:59 UT (March,07).

2. Bands:         1,838 - 1,842 MHz; 3,580 - 3,620 MHz; 7,035 - 7,045MHz;
                  14,070 - 14,112MHz; 21,080 - 21,120MHz; 28,080 - 28,200MHz.

3. Mode:          RTTY (BAUDOT).

4. Call:          CQ UKR.

                  Attention! Repeated QSO with the same participant
                  is permitted on different bands and in each round of
                  LOW BAND-part.

5. Exchange:      Two letters - the abbreviation of region (state, canton,
                  province, land, uyzd, district, county, lan, etc.) + serial
                  number starting from 001 on LOW BAND-part, and again
                  new numeration starting from 001 on HIGH BAND-part.
                  For example:
                  Poltava region (Ukraine)-PO001; Ancona (Italy)-AN021;
                  Alsace (France)-AL035; Gotlands lan (Sweden)-GO123.

6. Scoring:       2 points for each contact on HIGH BAND-part and for each
                  contact in each round LOW BAND-part + 10 points for new
                  region (province, canton, district, etc.) on each bands of
                  HIGH BAND-part and on each bands and in each round of
                  LOW BAND-part.

7. Classes:       A   -  SOMB, one transmitter;
                  B    -  MOMB, one transmitter;
                  C    -  SOSB  1,8 MHz, one transmitter;
                  D    -  SOSB  3,5 MHz, one transmitter.
                  E    -  SOSB  7,0 MHz; one transmitter;
                  F    -  SOSB 14,0 MHz; one transmitter;
                  G    -  SOSB 21,0 MHz; one transmitter;
                  H    -  SOSB 28,0 MHz. one transmitter.

8. Final scoring: For classes A and B - Total score is the sum of all bands
                  For classes C,D,E,F,G and H - the score is single band

9. Awards:        There are Diploma and medal "CHAMPION OF UKRAINE RTTY'2004"
                  for the first, second and third place of A and B classes;
                  There are Diploma "OPEN UKRAINE RTTY CHAMPIONSHIP'2004"
                  for the first, second and third place of C,D,E,F,G and H
                  classes and Awards "UKRAINE" for top ten of all classes.

10. Logs:         All participants in any class must send separate log for
                  each band as well as dupes sheet if needed and summary
                  sheet. Comments, anecdotes and suggestions will be
                  welcomed. All LOGs entries must be postmarked or E-mailed
                  by 07.April.2004.

11. Note:         All logs will be checked by special computer software,
                  that is why it is desired to make the LOG in accordnace
                  with Special format (this form is convenient for direct
                  input of the log information).
                  Other way is to make the LOG in Cabrillo format.

                  Example of Spacial format for "OPEN UKRAINE RTTY

                  file name is - sm1zzz.80

           CONTEST LOG 3,5 MHz SM1ZZZ Gotlands lan (GO),

SM1ZZZ  2200  UX0FF   GO001  OD003  A
SM1ZZZ  2203  DL1AAA  GO002  ZZ010  A
SM1ZZZ  2205  RK9CWA  GO003  SV030  A  etc.

                  Summary sheet must show all required information,
                  file name is - sm1zzz.sum

                  All files can be zipped (Zip, WinZip) in one file -
                  "" (for example:

                  This contest is supported by MixW2 software:

                  For RTTY by WF1B users:
                  you can download special converter supporting Special
                  LOG-format of "OPEN UKRAINE RTTY CHAMPIONSHIP" in WF1B:

                  Example of CABRILLO format for "OPEN UKRAINE RTTY

CLUB: "Kremenchug radioamateurs union"
ADDRESS: Kremenchug-21
ADDRESS: Ukraine
ADDRESS: 39621
ADDRESS: email: [email protected]
OPERATORS: 1.... 2..... 3.....
QSO:  3500 RY 2003-03-01 2200 UT1HZM        PO   001    UU8JQ        SL  001
QSO:  3500 RY 2003-03-01 2200 UT1HZM        PO   002    UT5DL        ZA  001
QSO:  3500 RY 2003-03-01 2201 UT1HZM        PO   003    ER5KS        MD  001
QSO:  1800 RY 2003-03-01 2304 UT1HZM        PO   051    YL2KF        LM  025

                  All stations can use the spotting network (like
                  PacketCluster tm). Use of self-spotting techniques on
                  packet or other mediums are inconsistent with the spirit
                  and intent of these rules.

                  IMPORTANT!   We are going to use for the final Result ONLY
                  QSOs confirmed by received LOGs !
                  Could you please send Your LOGs even If You made only a
                  few QSOs.

                  We are going to use for the final Result ONLY QSOs which
                  have QSO time declination no more than 2 min.
                  Please don't forget to correct Your computer's clock before
                  the Contest!

                  All participants regardless of category must remain on the
                  band at least 10 minutes after changing bands, quick QSY
                  to another bands is permitted only for category B to work
                  new region. QSOs made during 10-minute rule on another band
                  and which are not new regions will be removed from the
                  LOG without penalty.

12. Address for LOG's:

                  GEORGE IGNATOV (UT1HT),
                  P.O. Box 87,
                  KREMENCHUG-21, UKRAINE, 39621.
                  E-mail: [email protected]

13. Disqualification:    Violation of the Rules; unsportmanlike behavior.

      We do hope to meet you in the "OPEN UKRAINE RTTY CHAMPIONSHIP'2004"
      and please kindly inform your friends about rules of this Contest!

                  Welcome to the Contest!

Best regards,
 George UT1HT                           mailto:[email protected]

UZ8RR Updated: