The first contest organized by the EUCW, " Club Francophone Telegraphiste,
CFT" which was scheduled for September 19th had been posponed to avoid
interferences with the Scandinavian Activity Contest which happens for years
on the 3rd week end of September.
So would you bookmark your diarie as follow :
The Contest will happen on the next November 2004, 11th, from 0500 to 1500
This contest is "Open" , so all EUCW Clubs members and all the other are
welcome and invited to enter this competition.
More information and rules are available in French, English and Flemish
languages on the CFT Web pages at
The CFT thanks everyone for forwarding and publishing this add as largely as
Have luck and best traffic.
Forwarded with 73 by
Maurice, F5NQL
Dx page editor for Mehahertz mag and online at
I you have already received this info, please excuse me.
If you think that this kind of info may be useful to some of your friends, I
can add their addresses to the mailing list.,
If you wouldn't receive anymore dx info from me, please send a message to be
removed from the mailing list
73 ! Best regards!
Yours sincerely,
de UR5EAW Alexander Shevchenko
Worked in EM0HQ 2000-2002, EM11E, UR2E.
[email protected]
ICQ 201054114