"Dnieper Cup'2002"
Welcome to the contest!
The "Kremenchug Radioamateurs Union" - regional branch of Ukrainian Amateur Radio League (UARL) is proud to invite you to participate at our traditional international contest dedicated to HF, VHF & UHF 05-06 oct 2002.
1.1 Bands: 1,8 & 3,5 MHz according to IARU Region 1 band plan.
1.2 Mode: RTTY 19:00 UTC - 20:59 UTC 05.10.02;
SSB 21:00 UTC - 22-59 UTC 05.10.02;
CW 23-00 UTC 05.10 - 00-59 UTC 06.10.02.
1.3 Call: CQ DNIEPER.
Attention! With the same participant of the contest it is possible to make repeated QSO through 30 minutes on each band.
1.4 Exchange: Two letters - the abbreviation of region (state, canton, province, land, uyzd, district, county, lan, etc.) + serial
number starting from 001. For example: Poltava region (Ukraine) - PO001; Ancona (Italy) - AN021; Alsace (France)- AL035; Gotlands lan (Sweden) - GO123.
1.5 Scoring: 2 points for each contact (including repeated QSO through
30 minutes) + 10 points for new region (province, canton, district, etc.) on each bands.
1.6 Final
scoring: Sum total on 3,5MHz (RTTY+SSB+CW) + sum total on 1,8Mhz (RTTY+
SSB+CW) for classes A & B.
Sum total on 3,5MHz + sum total on 1,8Mhz for classes C,D & E.
1.7 Classes: A - single operator, two bands, one transmitter (RTTY+SSB+CW);
B - multi operators, two bands, one transmitter (RTTY+SSB+CW);
C - single operator, two bands, one transmitter, RTTY;
D - single operator, two bands, one transmitter, SSB;
E - single operator, two bands, one transmitter, CW;
F - single operator, 1,8 MHz, one transmitter, SSB;
G - single operator, 1,8 MHz, one transmitter, CW;
H - single operator, 3,5 MHz, one transmitter, SSB;
I - single operator, 3,5 MHz, one transmitter, CW;
J - single operator, 1,8 MHz, one transmitter, SSB+CW;
K - single operator, 3,5 MHz, one transmitter, SSB+CW.
2.1 Bands: 144, 432 & 1296 MHz;
2.2 Mode: CW, SSB & FM according to IARU Region 1 band plan 17-00
UTC - 20-59 UTC 05.10.02.
2.3 Call: CQ DNIEPER.
Attention! With the same participant of the CONTEST it is possible to make repeated QSO through 60 minutes on each band.
2.4 Exchange: Two letters - the abbreviation of region (state, canton, province, land, uyzd, district, county, lan, etc.) + serial
number starting from 001 on each band + WW QTH locator.
2.5 Scoring: 2 points/km - 144MHz, 8 points/km - 432MHz, 20 points/km - 1296MHz for each contact (including repeated QSO through 60 minutes) + 100 points for new region (province, canton, district, etc.) on each bands.
2.6 Classes: A - single operator, 144MHz;
B - single operator, 432MHz;
C - single operator, 1296MHz;
D - single operator, multiband 144, 432 and 1296MHz;
E - multi operators, multiband 144, 432 and 1296MHz.
2.7 Final scoring: For D and E classes, the final score is the sum of the points for each band.
3. Awards: Diploma "Dnieper Cup" - first, second & third place for all classes.
4. Logs: All operators in any class must send separate logs for each band worked, as well as dupe sheet if needed and summary sheet. Comments, anecdotes and suggestions will be welcomed.All LOGs entries must be postmarked or E-mailed by 06.nov.2002.
5. Note: We shall make the control each of LOG's with use special software and computer, therefore it is desirable LOG to execute on an adduced breadboard model. This form LOG is convenient for direct input of the information in the computer. Format - ASCII (is desirable). Prepared LOG it is desirable to grant as a file through E-mail, for fast processing and definition of results this contest.
For example: HF ROUND, file - sm1zzz.80
CONTEST LOG 3,5 MHz SM1ZZZ Gotlands lan (GO),
SM1ZZZ 2200 UX0FF GO001 OD003
SM1ZZZ 2203 DL1AAA GO002 ZZ010
SM1ZZZ 2205 RK9CWA GO003 SV030 etc.
Summary sheet will show all required information, file - sm1zzz.sum
VHF/UHF ROUND, file - yo3dhv.144
CONTEST LOG 144 MHz YO3DHV Bucharest (BU),
YO3DHV 1900 UX0FF BU001 OD004 KN47YY
YO3DHV 1905 LZ2AT BU002 SO015 KN23EF
YO3DHV 1937 UU4JXM BU003 KR067 KN74GU etc.
Summary sheet will show all required information, file - yo3dhv.sum
All files will be zipped (Zip, WinZip) in one file - "mycall.zip" (for example: sm1zzz.zip)
6. Address for Logs:
E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]
7. Result of "Dnieper Cup'2002" you can see at:
http://www.krs.poltava.ua/contest and http://uarl.com.ua/
We do hope to meet you in the "DNIEPER CUP'2002" and please kindly inform your friends about rules of this contest!
Welcome to the contest!